You have spent countless hours writing your manuscript. You have poured your heart and soul into writing a story worth telling. Now it is time to have it edited and polished, making it the absolute best it can be.
Editing is an important tool in an author’s repository and a vital step that you cannot skip. There is nothing worse than finding a glaring typo in your manuscript or receiving poor reviews from the readers about editing issues after you have published. Editing is the resource that polishes the surface of the story, allowing the beauty of it to shine through.
My goal in editing your manuscript is to help you form an effortless connection with the reader so that their attention remains within your story. I excel at maintaining both author and character voice. I will work with you to remove the bumps and hidden stumbling blocks created by improper punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and flow.

Are you ready to make your writing the best it can be? Specialized services include proofreading, line editing, copy editing, and content editing.
I am an editor from San Francisco, CA. I am professional, efficient, and an avid book lover. My passions include reading, writing, editing, and drinking coffee.